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Sunday School classes meet from 9:40 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Sunday in the education buildings located on the north side of the church property.


Our Christian education program at Covenant seeks to follow Paul's exhortation to take every thought captive and to be renewed in the Spirit of your mind.  Classes are offered for all ages, both youth and adults.  Youth classes are organized by age; families which desire to study the Scriptures together may do so.




Our youth Sunday School classes use curriculums produced by our denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America. 




Adult classes are offered each quarter and run for 13 weeks.  To promote balanced growth, teaching is rotated through the Old Testament, the New Testament, Doctrine/Theology, and Christian Living.


  • Fall Quarter - Summer Quarter, September 1, 2024 - May 25, 2025
    Westminster Shorter Catechism. The class continues the study of the Shorter Catechism using Thomas Vincent's book. 


  • Fall Quarter - Summer Quarter, September 3, 2023 - August 25, 2024
    Westminster Shorter Catechism. The class uses Thomas Vincent's The Shorter Catechism Explained from Scripture. 


  • Summer Quarter, June 4, 2023 - August 27, 2023
    The Sermon on the Mount. The class uses John Stott's study guide to facilitate discussion on this much- loved and well-known passage of Scripture.  


  • Spring Quarter, March 12, 2023 - May 28, 2023
    Biblical principles of marriage. This class has application to all—married veterans, newly married, and single adults—as fundamental Biblical truth and the corresponding Christian conduct are addressed. The course draws upon multiple resources, including audio and video lessons by R. C. Sproul and the well-recognized book, Strengthening Your Marriage by Wayne Mack.


  • Winter Quarter, December 4, 2022 - February 26, 2023
    Study of Philemon and Colossians, two of Apostle Paul's prison epistles.
    The theme of the intimate personal letter to Philemon is "Restore the Runaway Brother." The overall focus of Colossians is "The Sufficiency and Supremacy of Christ." 

  • Fall Quarter, September 4 - November 27, 2022
    Study of Church History
    The Church of Christ has a long and exciting history filled with growth, trials, controversies, incredible figure, and challenges. Our study equips us for the challenges the church faces today.


  • Summer Quarter, June 5 - August 28, 2022
    The class uses two of Dr. R. C. Sproul's video series, The Holiness of God and Pleasing God. The class format is a 30-minute video presentation, followed by a class discussion. 


  • Spring Quarter, March 13 - May 29, 2022
    Study of Ecclesiastes 
    Ecclesiastes is upfront about the challenges that we face in life. "Under the Sun," we live in a society corrupted by sin. Qoheleth, called the Preacher, exhorts us to recognize our creatureliness and to fear God―His purposes are impenetrable, and His orchestration of events is beyond our comprehension. Qoheleth points us to the right way to live:  we are to receive life as a gift, enjoy our portion from God, and live wisely even if it doesn't always pay dividends under the sun.

  • Winter Quarter, December 5, 2021 - March 6, 2022
    Study of Zechariah, Chapters 7-14
    While Zechariah might be one of the "minor" prophets, his vision of history and the sovereignty of God in providence and salvation is anything but minor! The goal of this class is not only to explain the text in its historical context but also to look at how the fulfillment of these prophecies is relevant to Christians in the 21st century.


We are...

  • Bible believing, EvangelicalPresbyterian and Reformed congregation

  • Worshipers of God in the manner He prescribes in Scripture

  • Preaching and Teaching the whole counsel of God for today's Church

  • Undershepherds of Jesus who know and carefully tend His flock



2402 Gray Falls Drive

Houston, Texas 77077


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